Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day Two

8:00am: Diet Coke - 0pts
9:00am: Activia Yogurt and 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
12:00pm: 32 oz H2O and Eating Right Beef with Veggies 290 cals/5g fat/4g fiber - 6pts
1:00pm: Diet Pepsi and 2 Fig Newtons - 2 pts
3:00pm: Chamomile Tea - 0pts
4:00pm: 32oz H2O and Dried Apricots approx 1/4 cup - 2pts
7:00pm: 5oz Cod cooked in butter, veggies, 32oz H2O - 7pts
8:15pm: Peanut butter sandwich - 7pts
9:00pm: (Man, I'm weak) 32oz H2O and a 100 calorie pack of chocolate grahams

Totals: 30pts and 128oz water

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Let's give it a shot. Mostly weight loss/gain related....