Monday, October 15, 2007

Day Seven

8:45am: 8oz H2O, Eating Right Granola Bar, Diet Coke - 2pts
9:30am: 32oz H2O, then mug of peppermint tea
12:30pm: 32oz H2O, Lean Cuisine Butternut Squash Ravioli (yummo as RR would say) - 7pts
2:00pm: 32oz H2O
4:00pm: Diet Pepsi and 100 Calorie Pack Chips Ahoy - 2pts
6:45pm: 32oz H2O, Chicken 3oz, Sausage 1oz, Green Beans, 1/2 cup Beans, 1/2cup Rice - 10pts
7:30pm: Top Cow Fudge Bar - 2pts
8:45pm: Honeycrisp Apple - 1pts
9:30pm: Diet Pepsi and 100 calorie snack pack - 2pts

Total: 26pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 251
Loss since 10/9/2007: 5

The size 20 jeans were a little less like a sausage casing this morning. Not really enough to notice, but it didn't cause me pain when I put them on. I still have the muffin top with them. I think I just become more conscious of my body and how my clothes fit when I'm on WW.

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Let's give it a shot. Mostly weight loss/gain related....