Thursday, October 25, 2007

Day Seventeen

8:30am: Diet Coke, Eating Right Granola Bar - 2pts
10am: 32oz H2O
12pm: 8oz H2O, Salmon (4oz?), greens, raisins, Vinagrette - 7pts
4pm: 32oz H2O, apple - 1pts
6pm: Diet Pepsi, South Beach Breakfast Burrito - 3pts
8pm: Diet 7up, 32oz H2O, Taquitos, chips, salsa, cheese dip - 20pts

Total: 33pts and 104oz water

Weight this morning: 250.6
Loss since 10/9/2007 (256): 6.2

I'm losing and gaining back the same damn pound. It has to end sometime right? It has to budge lower eventually. Maybe I need to drop my points by a category or something. Maybe I need to go back to weighing everything. Damn it.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Day Sixteen

9:30am: Diet Coke, Dannon yogurt, 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
10am: 32oz H2O
12pm: 32oz H2O, Udon Noodle Bowl (220/1g/1g) - 4pts
3pm: Diet Pepsi, Eating Right Granola Bar - 2pts
5:30pm: Diet Pepsi, sugar snap peas - 1pts
7pm: 16oz H2O, Village Inn grilled chicken - 12pts
8:30pm: 32oz H2O, Top Cow Fudge Bar - 2pts

Total: 25pts and 112oz water

Second Week Weigh In

Starting Weight: 256
Current Weight: 249.8
Total Lost: 6.2
Next Goal: 10% starting body weight (25lbs) 10% of weight to be lost 12lbs

Again, not really tearing it up, am I? Less than two pounds for week two. Saturday night probably sabotaged me a bit, but man this is going slow.

If you notice, I changed my first goal. I was thinking that smaller goals might be better. And also, the goal of losing 10% of your starting weight is a one time thing. If I decide how much I want to lose (126lbs based on where I want to end up), then I have a concrete end goal and I can gauge how far along that path I am by tracking increments. So 12lbs (rounding down because 120lbs is good too) is 10% of what I want to lose. When I've lost 36lbs, I'll know that I'm 30% of the way to the end.

With the way this is going, it's going to be Thanksgiving before I reach the first goal, and probably well into March to reach the second one. If I keep the 2lbs/week thing up, then we're looking at over a year for the whole thing. And that's assuming no slip-ups, plateaus, or breaks. Lovely.

And yes, I know that whole "you didn't put it on overnight so you can't expect to take it off that quickly." Bah.

Positive thought for the day/week: I'm still losing not gaining, and I even made room within my points for movie popcorn.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day Fifteen

8:30am: Diet Coke
9:30am: 32oz H2O, Dannon Yogurt, 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
12:00pm: 32oz H2O, Soup at Hand, Turkey Bologna Sandwich, Apple - 5pts
2:00pm: 32oz H2O
7:00pm: Diet Coke, small popcorn - 5pts
10:00pm: 32oz H2O, soup, chicken fingers 2oz - 8pts

Total: 22pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 249.8
Loss since 10/9/2007 (256): 6.2

Monday, October 22, 2007

Day Fourteen

8:00am: Diet Coke
9:00am: 32oz H2O, Dannon Yogurt, 2Tbs Grape Nuts - 3pts
12:00pm: 32oz H2O, LC Lasagna, Goldfish Snack Pack - 8pts
4:30pm: 32oz H2O, Sugar Snap Peas, Diet Pepsi
7:30pm: 32oz H2O, Soup (4), Chicken and BBQ - 10pts
8:00pm: Top Cow Ice Cream Cone, 2 Snackwells - 5pts

Total: 26pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 250.9
Loss since 10/9/2007: 5.1

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Day Thirteen

10:00am: 32oz H2O, Sausage, One egg, Toast - 6pts
4:40pm: 32oz H2O, Soup w/Cheddar Cheese, Top Cow Fudge Bar - 7pts
6:30pm: 32oz H2O, chicken 4oz, black beans, Top Cow Ice Cream Cone- 10pts
9:00pm: 32oz H2O, apple - 1pts

Total: 24pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 250.6
Loss since 10/9/2007: 5.4

Day Twelve

9:30am: Diet Coke, Activia Yogurt, 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
12:00pm:32oz H2O, Subway Turkey w/cheese, Few Cheetos - 9pts
3:30pm: 32oz H2O, Cheese, crackers, meat, brownie bite - 10pts
Through the evening: 24oz H2O, 4 mixed drinks with diet and rum/vodka - 10pts
Midnight: Perkins two egg with muffin - 21pts

Total: 54pts and 88oz water

Weight this morning: 249.4
Loss since 10/9/2007: 6.6

I knew it was going to be a bad day since we were doing the concert, but I should have looked at the points at breakfast places.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Day Eleven

9:30am: Diet Coke, Activia Yogurt, 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
11:00am: 32oz H2O
12:00pm:32oz H2O, Eating Right Santa Fe Beans and Rice (310/8/8) - 6pts
3:30pm: Honeycrisp apple - 1pts
5:30pm: Diet Pepsi
6:30pm: 18oz H2O, Ensenada Chicken w/Lime Dip - 10pts
8:00pm: 32oz H2O, Top Cow ice cream cone - 3pts
9:00pm: Apple - 1pts

Total: 25pts and 114oz water

Weight this morning: 249.8
Loss since 10/9/2007: 6.2

W00t! I dropped into the next rung down points wise. I'm a little apprehensive about tomorrow. I'm going to the Blue October concert with the girls, and I'm wondering if I'll be able to stay within points. We usually end up eating out after something like that and I know I'll be drinking some tequila. I guess I'll just wing it and see what happens.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Day Ten

9:30am: Diet Coke, Activia Yogurt, 1/8 cup Grape Nuts - 3pts
10:30am: 32oz H2O
12:00pm: 32oz H2O, Healthy Choice Minestrone Soup (210 cals/2g fat/8g fiber) - 3pts
2:00pm: 10oz tea
3:00pm: Diet Pepsi, Low fat wheat bread, turkey bologna - 3pts
4:00pm: 32oz H2O, Snack Pack - 2pts
6:00pm: Diet Pepsi, Snow Peas - 1pts
8:30pm: 32oz H2O, Diet 7up, Small Egg Drop Soup, Tofu with Mushrooms - let's call it 15pts
11:00pm: 1/3 - 1/2 cup of Swanns Berry Yogurt - 2 pts

Total: 29pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 250.2
Loss since 10/9/2007: 5.8

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day Nine

9:00am: Diet Coke, Activia Yogurt, 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
11:45am: 32oz H2O
1:30pm: 32oz H2O, Lean Cuisine Roasted Garlic Chicken - 4pts
3:00pm: 32oz H2O
4:30pm: Diet Pepsi and South Beach Granola Bar - 3pts
6:00pm: 32oz H2O, 3oz Chicken (3), 1/4 cup beans (2), green beans (1) - 6pts
6:30pm: WW Ice Cream Bar - 2pts
8:00pm: Diet Pepsi, Low Fat Wheat Bread (1), Reduced Fat Peanut Butter (5) - 6pts

Total: 25pts and 128oz water

First Week Weigh In

Starting Weight: 256
Current Weight: 251.4
Total Lost: 4.6
Next Goal: 10% starting body weight (25lbs)

Not at all what I wanted to see. I gained a pound from the day before. Yeah, I know - it's the dangers of weighing yourself everyday, but I need that constant monitoring to keep myself motivated. It also makes me look at my methods. I'm guessing that I've missed points somewhere. The last time I did WW, I was very strict with the points and constantly kept myself two or three points below my minimum for my weight. It kept me hungry, but the weight loss was good. I thought this time around that I should stick with the point range for my weight, and not stress too much about it. The thinking was that if I keep this as a lifestyle choice, then me having a few points more today to keep me from being hungry was better than starving for awhile with the intention of "going back to normal" eventually.

Basically, I'm trying to make this normal. I'll give it a few more weeks before I make a decision, but I gotta tell you - having such a low number for the first week of a diet gives room for all those little voices to come back. You know the kind:
"Just eat whatever you want because you're always going to be fat."
"If this is what life is going to be like - hungry all the time and miserable, then just forget it and go back to what you like."

I guess it's better than gaining weight, and probably all I could expect for my age and activity level. At some point, I need to put some exercise back in. The problem is finding a way to do that so that it's sustainable in my life.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day Eight

9:30am: Diet Coke, Activia Yogurt, 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
10:30am: 32oz H2O
1:30pm: 32oz H2O, Eating Well Black Bean Pineapple Chicken 340 cals/4g fat/5g fiber - 6.33pts
4:00pm: 32oz H2O, String Beans, Granola Bar - 2.33pts
5:00pm: Diet Pepsi
7:30pm: 32oz H2O, Chicken, veggies, green beans, kidney beans - 12pts
8:30pm: Top Cow Ice Cream Cone - 3pts
11:oopm: Apple - 2pts

Total: 30pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 250.4
Loss since 10/9/2007: 5.6

Monday, October 15, 2007

Day Seven

8:45am: 8oz H2O, Eating Right Granola Bar, Diet Coke - 2pts
9:30am: 32oz H2O, then mug of peppermint tea
12:30pm: 32oz H2O, Lean Cuisine Butternut Squash Ravioli (yummo as RR would say) - 7pts
2:00pm: 32oz H2O
4:00pm: Diet Pepsi and 100 Calorie Pack Chips Ahoy - 2pts
6:45pm: 32oz H2O, Chicken 3oz, Sausage 1oz, Green Beans, 1/2 cup Beans, 1/2cup Rice - 10pts
7:30pm: Top Cow Fudge Bar - 2pts
8:45pm: Honeycrisp Apple - 1pts
9:30pm: Diet Pepsi and 100 calorie snack pack - 2pts

Total: 26pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 251
Loss since 10/9/2007: 5

The size 20 jeans were a little less like a sausage casing this morning. Not really enough to notice, but it didn't cause me pain when I put them on. I still have the muffin top with them. I think I just become more conscious of my body and how my clothes fit when I'm on WW.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Day Six

11:00am: 32oz H2O, Fried Egg, Biscuit with butter, 1/4 cup potatoes, 3 slices bacon - 11pts
11:30am: 32oz H2O
5:30pm: 32oz H2O, Chicken, Green Beans, Salad - 10pts
6:00pm: Top Cow Fudge Bar - 2pts
8:00pm: Diet Pepsi
9:00pm: 32oz H2O, Apple - 2pts

Total: 25pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 251.2
Loss since 10/9/2007: 4.8

It's getting harder to not just stuff my face with things. Last night was difficult, I think I've gotten into the habit of munching my way through the game. This morning, I wanted another couple of pieces of bacon, and really, really wanted another biscuit. But I didn't need any of it, and so I stopped.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Day Five

9:00am: 32oz H2O, Activia Yogurt and 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
12:00pm: Diet Coke, 4 Baked BBQ Lays, Bimpy's Small Turkey Sub - 8pts
2:00pm: DQ Small Vanilla cup - 3pts
6:00pm: 32oz H2O, 4oz chicken, artichoke hearts, mushrooms, potatoes, green beans, salad, bread with butter - 14pts
7-10pm: 3 Diet Pepsi
9:00pm: Grapes - 2pts
10:00pm: Tea with sugar - 1pts

Total: 32pts and 64oz water

Weight this morning: 251
Loss since 10/9/2007: 5

Friday, October 12, 2007

Day Four

9:00am: Diet Coke
11:00am: 32oz H2O, Half an Einstein Brothers Cinamon&Sugar bagel 225 cal/8g fat/2g fiber, 2tsp pumpkin cream cheese 30 cal/2.5g fat/0g fiber - 5.5pts
1:30pm: 32oz H2O, Eating Right Chicken Poblano Pasta 310 cal/8g fat/2g fiber - 7pts
3:30pm: 32oz H2O, Sugar Snap Peas - 2pts
5:45pm: Diet Pepsi
7:15pm: 32oz H2O, Chicken 4oz, Salad, Rice, Green Beans - 10pts
8:30pm: Top Cow Fudge Bar - 2pts

Total: 26.5pts and 128oz water

Weight this morning: 254.4
Loss since 10/9/2007: 1.6

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Day Three

8:00am: Diet Coke, Activia Yogurt, 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
9:00am: 32oz H2O
12:00pm: 32oz H2O, two cherry tomatoes (garden grown, yum!), Eating Right Santa Fe Rice and Beans 310cals/8 fat/8 fiber - 6pts
4:00pm: 32oz H2O, two cherry tomatoes, can of green beans - 2pts
6:00pm: Diet Pepsi - 0pts
8:30pm: Lost my everloving mind - game night. Small cheesesteak sub, two onion rings, three fried mushrooms, and about 10 fries. I'll call it - 17pts

Total: 29pts and 96oz water

Exercise: 30 minutes of light walking (around 6-7 city blocks)
Weight this morning: 255.2
Loss since 10/9/2007: .8
(And yes, I know that some people think weighing every day is a bad thing, but it helps me when I'm doing good. )

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Day Two

8:00am: Diet Coke - 0pts
9:00am: Activia Yogurt and 1/4 cup Grape Nuts - 4pts
12:00pm: 32 oz H2O and Eating Right Beef with Veggies 290 cals/5g fat/4g fiber - 6pts
1:00pm: Diet Pepsi and 2 Fig Newtons - 2 pts
3:00pm: Chamomile Tea - 0pts
4:00pm: 32oz H2O and Dried Apricots approx 1/4 cup - 2pts
7:00pm: 5oz Cod cooked in butter, veggies, 32oz H2O - 7pts
8:15pm: Peanut butter sandwich - 7pts
9:00pm: (Man, I'm weak) 32oz H2O and a 100 calorie pack of chocolate grahams

Totals: 30pts and 128oz water

Starting Weigh In

So it wasn't as bad as I expected, and I'm still below my all time high (264 back in 2001).

Current Weight: 256
Total Lost: 0
Next Goal: 10% starting body weight (25lbs)

I'm thinking that Wed morning is a good weigh day for me. It gives me a few days after the weekend to stabilize, and it's not the dreaded Monday morning thing.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Starting Out

I didn't weigh myself this morning, mostly because I forgot until I was dressed and ready to go out the door. I'll do that tomorrow morning and post it then.

I'm pretty sure that I'm in the 28-33 point range from the chart over on the side bar. I'm wearing size 20 or 22 jeans, and 3x tops (or 22-24 for the Lane Bryant clothes). The size 20 jeans are almost getting unwearable.

I've got the mental state right today. I'm tired of things fitting so tight, and I want to lose weight. There's no feelings of being denied or like I don't have any choice. Let's see how long that lasts, shall we?

(Oh and a note, if there is anybody out there who wants to pull up a chair and some popcorn to watch this trainwreck sure-to-be-successful venture, then welcome!)

9am: Diet Coke and Special K Breakfast Bar - 2 pts
10am: Chamomile Tea - 0 pts
12pm: 32oz H2O and an Eating Right Frozen Burrito 300 cals/6g fat/3g fiber - 6 pts
(almost forgot, one Fig Newton 55cals/1.25g fat/<1g fiber - 1pts)
4pm: 32oz H2O and Activia Yogurt 110 cals/2g fat/0g fiber - 2pts
(another Fig Newton - 1pts)
4:45pm: Chamomile Tea - 0 pts
5:30pm: Chips Ahoy 100 cals/3g fat/1g fiber - 2 pts
7:30pm: 32oz H2O, Frescea Pizza, Bean with Bacon Soup - 12pts
8:30pm: grapes 2 cups - 2pts

Let's give it a shot. Mostly weight loss/gain related....